David Summers
- English
Contact Information
- 614-236-6467
- dsummers@866kq.com
- Convergent Media Center 261
Dr. David Summers has been teaching the classics and literature to Capital University students since 1997. He has served as director of General Education and as assistant dean of the School of Humanities in the College. In 2007, he was honored with Capital's most prestigious faculty award — the Praestantia Award, for excellence in teaching. He also has led travel groups from Capital to England, Italy and Greece.
Dr. Summers is a Seattle native who spent his undergraduate years in Oregon and Corban University, and then trained at the University of Washington to he a high school social studies teacher. He later pursued graduate studies in medieval and Renaissance literature at the University of Washington, completing a master's degree and doctorate there. Before joining the Capital faculty, Dr. Summers held tenure-track positions at Whitworth College and Seattle Pacific University. He also is credited with passage of General Education curricular reform at Capital, and he participated in the Council of Independent Colleges Summer Seminar at the Hellenic Studies Center: Herodotus' Histories.
British Literature Survey: Anglo-Saxon to Augustan
Classical Mythology
Classical Literature
Medieval Literature — Dante and Chaucer
Renaissance Literature
Eliot and Auden
Yeats and Joyce
Ph.D. in English Literature, University of Washington
Master of Arts in English Literature, University of Washington
Secondary Certificate in Social Studies (History), University of Washington
Bachelor of Science in Humanities and Religious Studies, Corban University
"The Unattended Moment: Selfhood and the Experience of the Transcendent in Four Quartets" in Ecstasy and Understanding: Religious Awareness in English Poetry, edited by Adrian Grafe and Andrew Harrison. Continuum Press: London, 2008.